R. Leigh Hennig. Horror author. Editor.


A few years ago I started this blog with my dear friend, Milan Jaram. We had met a couple of years before that through my work editing Bastion Science Fiction Magazine, where Milan provided all of the cover art. For the year or so that Bastion published, we were consistently a best-seller, beating out the likes of such fantastic markets as Clarkesworld, Lightspeed, and Asimov’s. But it was time to move on, and so we stopped publishing.

Bored, Milan and I started a personal blog, The Semiotic Standard, where we featured short fiction reviews, art, short stories, non-fiction essays, and all kinds of fun stuff. Over the years we’ve moved on to other things. I retain the domain, however, and on a whim I’ve decided to repurpose it. Thus I removed all the old content and intend to use this as my own blog, with more benign ambitions.

Milan, if you come across this: you’re always welcome, and I’m always happy to showcase your wonderful talent.

For the time being, it should suffice to say that my intentions with this blog are to satisfy my occasional itch to ramble. Maybe I’ll update weekly. Maybe monthly. Maybe yearly. Will there be any theme? Primarily fiction, though if the mood strikes me, you may just read a rant about the oversubscription ratio of ports to packet forwarding engines within Juniper switching fabric.

All of these things. None of these things.

I guarantee nothing. I guarantee everything.